Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lesson six

My lesson plan was created with all of the theories and content covered in class, such as Multiple Intelligences (Gardner’s), Bloom’s Taxonomy, ADDIE process, Drumming, and Literacy. The only concept that is not stated in my curriculum plan is an assessment of the children.

Documentation was gathered on the children daily, through written observations, photos and samples of their work. The data was placed in the children’s portfolio for parent/teacher conferences. Evaluation of the documentation allowed me to guide instruction and track student progress.

        The ADDIE process was the format I used to carry out my weekly lesson plan. For example I analyzed what skills my students would ascertain from the lesson. I designed and developed interesting lessons for the week. Then I implemented the lesson plan and evaluated my students throughout the week to see how they were responding to the lessons.

        The items I needed for my weekly lesson plan was:

1.   Recyclable container       8. Paint

2.   African cloth                   9. Parent permission slips.

3.   Beads                            10. Transportation

4.   Glitter                            11. Crayons

5.   Pantones                        12. Smart board

6.   African music                  13. Digital cameras

7.   Instruments                    14. Happy faces

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Post # 7

Maretha Daniels
Lesson Plan

The: 30 minute art integration lesson for the (Developmental Drumming)

10:00 – 10:05      Discuss with the children how to play the different drums.    
10:05 – 10:19      have the children sit in a circle with their drums.
·         Play rhythmic follows the leader.
·         Play fast-and-slow
·         Play high-and-low
 10:19- 10:30       Place an assortment of pictures showing Djembe, Conga, Surdo, Doumbek, Tabla, and Gathering drum’s. Let the children pick what pictures they want to cut out and paste on to construction paper. As the children are completing their works of art the teacher should be exampling to the children about the different drums and the origin.
   This lesson plan allows children the following developmental skills.
1.      Follow directions.
2.      Improve their sense of balance and coordination.
3.      Gross and fine motor skills
4.      Instill self-esteem, joy, and pride.
5.      Develop eye-hand coordination.
6.      Helps children learn about other counties.
7.      Relieve stress.
Maretha Daniels
Developmental Drumming

Developmental Drumming
               Developmental drumming is the act of bringing varies drums into an early childhood setting.  The children are given instruction on how to play the drums and where the drums originate. The children are taught different songs and games to play like Rhythm-Talk, Rhythmic Follow the Leader, Fast-And-Slow, High-and-low, and Quiet-And-Loud. The benefits of drumming with young children have been proven to expand their social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, and cultural growth at an accelerating pace.           
               Developmental drumming offers young children the ability to sing and move to the beat of the drumming. Consequently helps young children to develop balance, spatial concepts, verbalization and coordination. When children are singing and dancing they are learning in a very relaxed, natural, and uninhibited manner. Drumming also endow young children with the feeling of accomplishing something that felt good.  Studies have shown children that play musical instruments excel in school and foster positive relationships with their peers and family members. Drumming also provides a platform for young children to share their knowledge of drumming with family members.
               Developmental Drumming is another outstanding tool that provides young children with self awareness, self control, and an innate ability. To grow, express, learn, create, and dream. Music is a key to unlocking young children minds and hearts to the people and world around them.