Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog Entery # 4

            As a child care advocate the three words “innovate, engage, and inspire” are the keys to unlock young childrens abilities. To explore, grow, think and develop a belief that they can accomplish different goals that they set for themselves, with the help of caring and loving adults.
In creating a lesson for my students, the first two questions I would always ask myself is how can this lesson be inspiring? Will this lesson engage my students? The next step in creating my lesson was to think of ways to make the lesson different, better, and unforgettable to the children. Another very important part of carrying out a lesson that innovates, engages, and inspires children is the attitude I offer to the lesson. For instance, I needed to convey to the children that I was excited, interested, and engaged in the lesson as well. For example if my lesson was on apples I would read a book to the children about apples. As I read the story I would change my voice tones according to the different characters in the book. At the end of the reading, I would make the voice of one character at a time and ask the children to tell me what was the characters name, and then I would ask the child to copy the character’s voice. While the children are in centers, I would make sure every center had something in it to do with apples. For example I would hide small toy apples, in the sand for the children to find. Upon the children discovering the apples I would make really big deal out of their discovery. Or in dramatic play, I would have the children go pretend shopping for food items, which had the word apple in it. When the children returned with the items I would be there waiting to have a quick pretend lunch with them.  At the arts and craft table, I would have the children create apple pictures of their choice.  
For snack time I would have yellow, green, and red apples for the children to eat, and as they ate their snack, I would ask them questions, like what color is your apple? What shape is your apple? Which color apple do you like best? Or can you name other foods that are made from apples? Once again in a child like fashion I would express how much I liked all the different apples.    
I know that if you want a lesson to innovate, engage, and inspire children, the persons that are in charge of carrying out that lesson as to be innovated, engaged, and inspired as well.

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